First off I would like to apologize for my month of being absent and not posting so much. The wizarding world is very serious about not allowing muggle (Non-magic folk) inventions in. I did smuggle my phone in and you can see I tried to make a post when I was on my phone, but could not put up any pictures!

I am still figuring out how to use muggle technology, it can get a little confusing for me still! When I came back from Hogwarts, I discovered my computer was broken!

SO I had to buy a new one, and I just got that yesterday ^^
What does that mean?
I will be posting more I promise, back to my 1 post a week thing, I have so many things to make up for!
Coming next week: Twilight Blue- Sponsor review!
Until then remember these words of wisdom~
" It is impossible to live with out failing at something, unless you have lived so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all. In which case you fail by default"
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-J.K Rowling
Coming next week: Twilight Blue- Sponsor review!
Until then remember these words of wisdom~
" It is impossible to live with out failing at something, unless you have lived so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all. In which case you fail by default"
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-J.K Rowling
Things that need to be posted:
Twilight Blue- Sponsor review
Lacey Grey- Sponsor review
EOS Green- Sponsor review
GEO Animation CP-A6- Sponsor Review
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