Alright my precious berries listen up~ I am finally announcing my giveaway... It only took me forever! Now let me start by saying that is isn't anything super duper special, but hey free things are the best things in life! You know what I am saying?
Ok so I want to post my winners at 50 followers so I am giving my self a month to get that many followers
(Be sure to follow and tell your friends to follow and join as well~)But if I dont get 50 I will still announce the winners:
January 15th!
I am very thankful to all my followers I have now. With out them... with out any of you I would have nothing.
This giveaway is also my way of showing thanks!
Right time to get to the dirty details!
You must be following me with GFC (Goodgle Friend Connect) AND Bloglovin'. Both platforms please ^^ This giveaway is for my followers so if you unfollow when it's over, you're banned from future giveaways.
IF you aren't following me with both platforms, none of your other entries count.
Absolutely no cheating.
I will be checking every entry.
Be ABSOLUTELY sure the email that YOU USE is connected to your rafflecopter, because that is how I will be contacting you.
To be safe, be sure to comment your email!
If you connected your raffle copter to Facbook, then the email you use to sign in is the email that is connected to rafflecopter. Trust me, my friend had that happen to her, and when she changed the email none of her entries counted for all the giveaways she entered. So just comment your email to save you the worry and hassle. lol
There will be TWO winners, so what do these lovely berries get?
First prize winner gets:
TWO pairs of circle lenses and a pair of eye lashes of their choice,
but they have to be from pinky paradise!
Price limits will be explain in the raffle copter widget.
Second prize winner gets:
Any type of makeup they want from pinky paradise.
Price limit will be explain in the raffle copter widget.
This giveaway is
Height: 324 px Width: 200 px
Either copy and paste the code into your sidebar, or drag the image to your desktop!
PC Users:
Ctrl + C to copy and Ctrl + V to paste
Mac Users:
Command + C to copy and Command + V to paste
Now like I said winners will be announced at 50 followers or at the end of January which ever one comes first!! So be sure to tell your friends and follow~

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